Program-specific Google Analytics Dashboards

About a year ago I wrote about what could be included in a web report. It was somewhat general to be relevant in a number of cases.

I’d like to provide a specific update to list specific widgets and segments that should be used for various reports. This is by no means the be-all end-all of reports as dashboards should always be customized depending on your specific situation and business objectives. However, for admissions/administrators and program directors wanting to understand prospective student actions on the website as a whole (including before they enter a traditional admissions funnel or CRM, the including the following widgets and settings in a GA dashboard could be helpful as a starting point to understand a little more beyond top-level and vanity metrics.

I realize this is just a starting point. What else would you recommend as a starting point for people putting together 1-page program-specific GA dashboards?


Custom Segments

  1. Program subsite visitors (one per program)

Simply segment just to program subsite visitors

Segment: Degree Subsite Visitor

Condition: Sessions include page contains* (regex)

  1. Completed goal (however you set up inquiry form completion)
  2. Completed goal (however you set up application completion)

Monthly reports for each program: 

12 total (3 variations for each program with the above segments)


How many users?

Widget title:  Sessions

Standard: Metric

Show the following metric: Sessions

How many pages did visitors view on average?

Widget title: Average pages viewed/session

Standard: Metric

Show the following metric: Pages/session

Average Session Duration

Widget title: Average Time on Page

Standard: Metric

Show the following metric: Avg. Session Duration

Where did traffic come from?

Widget title: Source/Medium

Standard: Pie

Display the following columns: Source/Medium [dimension], Users [metric]

Show up to: 5 slices

Popular Pages and Avg. Time on Page

Standard: Table

Display the following columns: Page, Pageviews, Avg. Time on Page

Show a table with 5 rows

Users by City

Standard: Table

Display the following columns: City, Users

Show a table with 5 rows

Users by Day of the Week

Standard: Pie

Display the following columns: Users, Day of Week Name

Show up to 5 slices

Users by Device Category

Standard: Pie

Display the following columns: Users, Device Category

Show up to 5 slices

Users by Page Depth

Standard: Pie

Display the following columns: Users, Page Depth

Show up to 5 slices