Goodbye Mount Allison University

I’m leaving Mount Allison University and Sackville, NB today. I don’t know if/when I’ll ever be back. I’ve called this place home for 1356 days now. That seems like an insane number. Four years of laughs, stress, exciting nights, restless nights, days in the sun, days in the library. At times it’s been incredible to be here but other times it’s been incredibly frustrating. In the end though, I’m glad I came here because I wouldn’t trade all of the experiences I’ve had here for anything. That includes the times I didn’t have fun or when, honestly, I screwed up miserably. It’s an overused phrase but everything really has been a learning experience. I think I’m a much different person now than when I was eighteen and that’s a really good thing. During my four years I’ve learned a lot about myself, about human nature, and about what I want to do with my life. I happened to learn a little bit in the classroom as well but experiences with students outside of class have been much more valuable.Right now I’m on my way back home to Boston. Home, to Boston. It took me a while but now it doesn’t sound odd. Soon enough my new home will be in Syracuse, New York. I know, for better or worse, it will be an entirely different experience than Mount Allison. For instance, the population of Sackville in 2011 was 5,558 people. In 2010, Syracuse was home to 145,170 people. Mount Allison has about 2,500 students. Syracuse University has 20,407, including 6,206 post-graduates. For better or worse I’ll probably never live in a town as small as Sackville again.

Take care everybody. If I write here again it may not be for a while. If you want to keep up with what I’m doing follow me @GeoffBCampbell.

Now I have to go but I’ll leave you with a song. So Long and Thanks for all the Fish.